Can't Sacrifice This Time!!

Lu Qiang was angry, but he had to control it, as the person in front of him was his Grandpa, who he loved and respected a lot. He knew, sometimes, in the excitement, Grandpa had a habit of going overboard.

Grandpa stood there without saying a single word further as he knew, even the tiny thing related to Lu Lijun can make Lu Qiang lose his mind.

Lu Feng stepped towards Lu Qiang and stood beside him. He said while patting Lu Qiang's back, "Calm down. It's not that big of a deal. We can still handle him."

When others saw how Lu Feng talked to Lu Qiang, they were pretty surprised to see this, but they thought it's because of Lu Lijun, as he was the most important and precious person in both elder brother's lives.

Lu Qiang nodded to what Lu Feng said. He then took a deep breath and said while looking at others, "Everyone, go downstairs." He then looked at Lu Feng and said, "You stay."