In Pain...

They caught me and I was helpless. Golden hair guy held me by my wrist tightly as smirking like I was a lowly thing. I was struggling to free my wrist but he held it tightly that made me wince in pain. That room was store room and there were few old tables from classroom. He asked those boys to bring two tables and arrange them in centre."


"I was crying and screaming to let me go as I was scared and didn't know what those people were planning to do with me. I was just a kid to even think about it but could feel, I was in danger. He asked me to keep quiet but as I didn't listen to him, he slapped me. I started to cry loudly and said, 'My brother would be here soon let me go' but that boy laughed even more and said, 'No one comes to side so they wouldn't know you are here'. I started to scream 'Help me' as much as I could say loudly but those guys were just laughing and it was making me demoralized. I was scared to death to see their devilish faces which haunts me till now."