Start Of Revenge Plan...

I looked at her and asked, "What happened? Do you need anything?" My friend was looking at her too and he guessed, why she was there.

She shook her head and said, "No! I am here to tell you something that you want to ask me but hesitating to do so."

Upon hearing her straightforward words we both were quite shocked. There, we were in dilemma as how to start conversation with her about incident from last night and here she was ready to tell us on her own. She looked serious and different from her usual self as she was one mysterious person. Also, after seeing her the night before, I too felt like I didn't know her completely yet."

"I didn't know what to say but I was feeling glad that she wanted to share it. When I wanted to say her, you can tell us, my doctor friend, Christian replied to her in calm way with pleasant smile on his face, "That's a good thing. Whatever is there, tell us without any hesitation. I am a doctor too, you know that right?"