I Need To See Her...

"When I saw, she was affected by you greatly in that way, I had hope in my heart. It didn't take much time for me time to realize, how much you love her. She too started to have feelings for you so I was happy about it. The way you are considerate towards her I am thankful for that too"

When Lu Qiang heard him, "You don't need to be. She is my love and life now."

Jiang Yang replied, "I know, but still. You can say, when I see her happy because of you, I feel the burden on my heart is lessening. I might sound selfish, but the guilt of not being able to protect her, still gives me a pain but you being in her life is like a cure for that pain." He looked sad.

Upon seeing, sad and guilty looking face of Jiang Yang Lu Feng said, "It was not your fault Jiang Yang so don't blame yourself anymore. Whatever happened with her is in past now and we can't change it. We should make her present and future better so that she won't ever remember that incident for a single moment."