Can't Hurt You Ever...

In Lu Qiang's office lounge..

Lu Qiang and Jiang Yuyan were busy in their passionate lovemaking moments when Jiang Yuyan was lying in a bed with Lu Qiang on top of her being unaware of what was happening outside. As Lu Qiang pulled down the zipper of her dress and was ready to pull it down, Jiang Yuyan spoke, "W-Wait! Are we going to do it in your office lounge?"

Lu Qiang stopped pulling out her dress down to her shoulder and asked while looking into her eyes, "Why you didn't like this place?"

Jiang Yuyan replied, "Nono, it's a nice place. I was just asking if we are going to do 'That' in here."

Lu Qiang raised his eyebrow in question and asked while still being ready to pull her dress down from her shoulders, "What do you mean by 'That'?"

Jiang Yuyan blushed and replied in a low voice, "I.. mean what... people.. do in the.. situation... like this."

"What they do?" Lu Qiang counter questioned her again in a firm voice.