The Two Unhappy People...

Soon the invitation cards were ready and reached to all the people who were being invited. All family members were excited and they were doing their best to make this day special. Lu Qiang and Jiang Yuyan's outfit were designed by An Tian who was excited to give his best for this lovely couple.

Invitation cards reached to Ming Mansion from Lus but as usual, no one was going to attend an engagement. Even though Zhang Jei wanted to go there but she didn't want to go against the will of elder Lu. Elder Lu didn't say anyone to not go there but those were unspoken words from him.

A day before engagement…

Lu Qing's elder cousin Lu Han arrived with his wife Qin Xiu to the mansion to attend the engagement.

"Finally my stubborn brother is in love and he is getting engaged," Lu Han said when he saw Lu Qiang in a living room.

"How are you elder cousin?" Lu Qiang smiled to see Lu Han and asked.