Happy and Emotional...

Lu Chen was happy but Su Hui was having a long face and fake smile on her face. Their elder son Lu Han and his wife Qin Xiu were happy too. Standing beside her mother-in-law, Qin Xiu noticed her sad face and said in a low voice that only Su Hui could hear her, "Don't think too much mother. Everything would be fine."

"Nothing is going to be fine. Soon you will see all of us would be sidelined by them," Su Hui said in a low voice but her son Lu Han heard her as he was standing just beside them. He looked at his wife and signaled her asking what happened but Qin Xiu shook her head with a smile on her face as saying and assuring him 'Nothing'.

Lu Han looked at his mother and noticed she was sad but he didn't prefer to ask anything at the moment and kept quiet.

Wang Zhilan and her husband were standing near the elder Lu. Wang Zhilan went to her father and said, "Congratulations on becoming a happiest grand-father-in-law in this world."