Realising The Reality Of Her Life...

Nixxxie exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

Placing his hand still on the door, Lu Feng replied, "I just want to talk to you and I want to apologize to you for not being able to do anything for you even though, I know my apology won't be enough for it."

"You are right so let me go and stay away from me. That is what you always did," she looked angry as well as hurt.

"Nicky, won't you forgive this brother?" He asked.

"I had only one brother and he is dead," she replied coldly as nothing from him was working on her cold and wounded heart.

He was ready to accept all the hatred from her and spoke, "I want to help you and this time I want to make everything right for you."

"No one can help me. If anyone will try to do anything, that person might end like my brother so stay away. I don't want to see anyone getting hurt because of me, so please….."