Worried For A Brother..

The next morning, Lu Feng woke up with his head hurting badly. Rubbing his eyes with his palms to see clearly, as he was still not able to open his eyes completely, he continued staring at the ceiling. He thought about something and the first thing that flashed in his mind was, he saw Jiang Yuyan there last night.

Thinking about it, he sat up in his bed immediately and looked around in the room, just then a voice disturbed him, "You woke up, finally."

That was Lu Qiang who came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and strode towards Lu Feng's wardrobe to get clothes for himself.

"L...Lu Qiang! How come you are here? When did...." Lu Feng was shocked to see him there. His head was hurting badly and he was holding it with his hands.

"You just woke up and started to ask questions. Take it easy," Lu Qiang replied not showing any interest in his questions.