Living With Parasites...

"President Lu Qiang?" Nixxxie asked.

"Hmm! You will know the things slowly, Now forget it show me your pretty smile so that my heart can feel better."

Hearing it Nixxxie smiled and hugged her mother who was sitting on the bed while resting on the backrest.

Song Meilin hugged her back and said while patting her gently, "My precious daughter, soon everything will be fine and we will be happy like in the past."

"I want it too, mother."

When these mother daughters were busy with the thought of the happy future, those father and son were going out of the hospital. On the way to their cars, Xi Guiren spoke, "What is the need to keep an eye on them in the hospital?"

When Xi Guiren came out of Song Meilin's room, he saw one of Xi Cheng's men standing far away in the corridor but his sharp eyes didn't fell to recognize him.