Beautiful And Romantic...

Exhaling out from his mouth, Jiang Yang said, "I didn't know you were planning to give me a heart attack with your beauty."

Nixxxie smiled to hear it and just then Jiang Yang noticed the tiny beads of sweat across the hairline of her forehead and asked, "Why are you sweating? Did you come here running?"

She was startled to hear it and checked her forehead as Jiang Yang was looking at it. "Sweating? Where? It must be because of the weather," she replied.

"Weather? Now it's going to be a start of winter and it's not hot," he said, not believing her words. He could see how anxious she was hearing his question.

"My body is weird. I feel hot even in winter," she replied not looking at him. As it was a lie, she didn't dare to look at him.