Something Is Wrong With My Heart.

"Nixxxie!" Jiang Yang called her and she looked at him.

"Get freshen up and change into it. Soon another set of clothes would be here for you," he said while signaling towards the white bathrobe into the shelf of the bathroom.

"Nixxxie nodded and Jiang Yang left the bathroom. He was standing near the window of the room, looking outside, waiting for her to come out. Suddenly he pulled out his hands from his pant pocket and looked at it. He was smiling to remember her reaction when he was holding her hand, how she was staring at their hands all this time.

Time passed by but neither Nixxxie and nor the attendant came into the room. Jiang Yang knocked on the door of a bathroom and asked, "Are you okay, Nixxxie?"

"Yes, I am." he immediately got a response from inside.

"Then why are you not coming out? You should not stay there for long," he asked worriedly.

"I am in a bathrobe," she replied.