Were You Not Worried About Me?

Jiang Yuyan tried to pull out all the possible reasons that way it was fair to ask Nixxxie to do so while Nixxxie was looking at her. She knew what Jiang Yuyan was trying to do but all of her excuses were not wrong too. It was dangerous for Jiang Yuyan to go back home so late when roads might be blocked because of snowfall. Nixxxie was worried about her friends' safety.

Accepting the card from Jiang Yuyan without asking a further question, Nixxxie said "Okay!"

Hearing it, Jiang Yuyan smiled and said, "Thank you." While walking out of the restaurant, Jiang Yuyan spoke again, "I wonder if he will eat anything or not. He must be busy and when he will be free, he will eat something from the hospital cafeteria. Sometimes I feel that while treating his patients, he should not fall sick."

Nixxxie was listening to everything silently and said looking at Jiang Yuyan's worried face, "Don't worry, he is a doctor so he can take care of himself."