Unexpected Result...

When the game started, Lu Qiang and Lu Feng were doing their best and others from the blue team were doing what Jiang Yang instructed them to do. Though Lu Feng was a good player but Lu Qiang was once a professional player so there was no comparison. 

Seeing that Lu Qiang was going to overtake Lu Feng, Lu Lijun looked at Jiang Yuyan and said, "We are doomed." Hearing it, Lu Bao laughed and said, "You looked so scared to be our slave, little brother." 

Lu Lijun frowned but there was nothing he could do. Jiang Yuyan saw Lu Lijun's sad face and felt bad. Suddenly her expressions changed and in one swift move, she was able to dodge Lu Lian and went to where Lu Feng and Lu Qiang were moving towards the goal net of the red team. 

Both couldn't realize what happened and the next moment the ball was not there. With the lightning speed, Jiang Yuyan took the ball and she moved with it towards the goal net not giving anyone a chance to stop her.