Not Willing To Let Her Go...

The next morning Lu Feng woke up just to see, Jiang Yang was sleeping beside him while facing him with his hand placed on Lu Feng's chest. Lu Feng was startled to see him there and immediately pushed Jiang Yang's hand away from his chest. 

Sitting in a bed, Lu Feng was about to punch Jiang Yang in a face but he retreated his hand seeing how peacefully Jiang Yang was sleeping. "Idiot!" Saying Lu Feng stepped out of the bed and went to the bathroom, He got ready in a hurry before Jiang Yang could wake up and say or do something to annoy him again.

When Jiang Yang woke up, Lu Feng was not in a room. "Hmm! It seems like I annoyed him a lot. Need to give him a break or he might kill me soon." Saying, Jiang Yang woke up and went to freshen up.