Two Stubborn People...

"My grand-daughter has the same smile as her aunt Fangsu." 

With these words from the elder Ming, the atmosphere became a dead silent again. Elder Ming mentioning his daughter in front of others was a rare thing. Though he missed her and cried alone in her memories, he never mentioned about her as if it was a forbidden topic. Lu Qiang could as well others could feel the emotions in elder Ming's voice. 

"I am glad that Yuyan has inherited something from her aunt. No wonder she has the prettiest smile." These words from Lu Qiang broke that silence.

Hearing it, finally, the elder Ming looked at Lu Qiang. "You sure have inherited your grandpa's way of sweet-talking."

"I am glad that I did if it made elder Ming feel good," Lu Qiang replied politely while looking at elder Ming with no expression on his face.

"I guess, other than that old man, you are the only one who can leave me speechless," elder Ming said calmly.