Brothers Like Similar Things.

Lu Feng and Lu Qiang were sitting quietly enjoying the conversation between their brothers, one was the eldest one and the other one was the youngest one. Both looked at Lu Lijun to see what he would say next.

Taking his jacket off to hang it in the wardrobe, Lu Lijun replied, "If the girl is like Yuyan, I won't mind falling for her but sadly, there is only one Yuyan and I don't wish to fall for anyone as they all seem annoying. So, I would be like brother Lu Feng, not looking at girls at all."

Hearing it, Lu Qiang and Lu Feng looked at each other in surprise. Lu Qiang then whispered to Lu Feng, "Seems like we brothers like similar things."

Hearing it, Lu Feng smiled and whispered back, "You should be thankful that he is a kid or you would have been like me, looking at the woman you like getting married to someone else."

Lu Qiang laughed a little and said, "True."