A Tribute To The Loved One...

Laughing a little, Lu Lijun said, "Okay! On a serious note, Yuyan is looking really pretty and I think no one can look as pretty as her in the wedding dress."

Smiling Jiang Yuyan asked to make sure, "Really?"

"Yes, you are the prettiest bride I have ever seen." Lu Lijun assured her and she smiled while Lu Qiang gave Lu Lijun a thumbs-up sign.

"This young guy knows how to please a lady," An Tian said and others nodded.

"Grandpa Lu's blood it is," Jiang Yang said.

They left altogether to go to the wedding hall. Jiang Yuyan was holding Lu Qiang's arm with one hand while she was holding a bouquet in her other hand.

Best man Lu Feng was wearing a black suit with a white shirt inside and the suit had traces of a violet color on it on the borders and there was a miniature flower bouquet-like structure was pinned at the upper corner of the collar of the jacket. He was walking behind Lu Qiang and Nixxxie was walking behind Jiang Yuyan.