They Asked For It...

Lu Qiang looked at Lu Bao to know if he was right and she nodded a little as saying yes and mumbling to herself, "I didn't know this will turn like this. I think I am dead tonight."

Hearing her, the girls smiled and then it was Lu Lian's turn so Lu Qiang said, "Lu Lian wants to study and work on her own to earn her own money and later take Lu Bao with her, away from her strict mother so she can help Lu Bao to live a free life."

"Cough-Cough!" Lu Lian and Lu Bao both were regretting coming to the bride's side and then asking their brother to answer something like this. Both girls looked at Su Hui and cried in their hearts.

Lu Lijun was enjoying seeing this and said, "They asked for it."

Others were smiling to see how these two fell into their own traps, knowing how much both were scared of Su Hui. Su Hui didn't react and continued watching what would happen next.

"We are dead now," Lu Bao said in a low voice.

"It was your idea," Lu Lian said.