You Are Not My Brother...

Pecking on his lips, Nixxxie said, "For now, just this."

Surprised by her action, Jiang Yang said, "Bold lady, someone might see us here."

Smiling, she asked, "Since when have you started to think about others?"

"That's right," Saying he kissed her and Nixxxie kissed him back. Something came up in Jiang Yang's mind and he stopped. "I think the car is the best place for us. What do you say?" Nixxxie nodded. "But I have to go home soon. As you said you will drop me home, so it won't look good if I am late."

"I have a way." Saying Jiang Yang took her to the car. Sitting in the car both left the place in the direction of Xi residence. 

"Are we going to my home?" she asked.

"Yes!" he replied, and she just hummed and kept silent.

Looking at her, he asked, "Were you expecting me to take you to my home?"

With her eyes open, she exclaimed, "No! When did I? You said you have a way, so I was just curious."