Embarrassing Her...

The one thing Lu Qiang was glad about was, though he got to hear all the bad things about Lu Feng, he never neglected his study. Lu Feng was a smart kid who liked to study and always topped the grades. Lu Qiang was happy that he at least maintained one thing positive about him.

Lu Qiang opened his eyes after remembering all these past incidents and he was sure that Lu Feng changed suddenly after his father's accident. He was just hoping San Zemin would find something.


The grandpa woke up and Lu Qiang, and Lu Feng went to see him. There, too, Lu Qiang didn't talk much with Lu Feng. As they went inside the room to meet the grandpa, he was happy to see his two grandsons.

"Glad to see you two here. Tell your grandma I will trouble her for a long so stop crying." Elder Lu said, lying in the bed and grandma Zhao Shuang was sitting beside him.

"I am not crying," she denied.