Trying To Be A Friend...

"What are you doing here, Xi Cheng?" Zhang Wei asked.

"I just noticed my friends here so I thought to visit them." Saying Xi Cheng sat in one chair, opposite to Ming Rusheng."

"Friend? I don't see anyone here," said Ming Rusheng said sarcastically, but Xi Cheng was unaffected with it as he was prepared to get such a reaction from Ming Rusheng.

"When the person shares the same goal as you, it won't take you a time to become a friend with the person," said Xi Cheng.

"To achieve my goal, I don't have to stoop so low to make anyone as my friend," Ming Rusheng replied, but Xi Cheng changed the topic.

"I saw you trying to be friends with Lu Feng. Seems like you were unsuccessful."

Giving out an evil smile, Ming Rusheng said, "Soon, soon he will come to me."