Disappeared Forever...

"Lu Qiang…..!" 

Seeing the blast and burning car, Lu Feng and Lu Han shouted in disbelief with Jiang Yuyan crying out his name again and again as if calling out his name could bring him out from that burning car. 

Crying her throat out while mumbling his name, she went unconscious. 

Lu Feng who just fled back because of the blast and fell on the ground got up to run towards the car but San Zemin who just arrived there and who was also shocked held Lu Feng back. 

"Let me save him," Lu Feng cried out while trying to get out of San Zemin's hold.

"You can't. He is gone," San Zemin spoke, his heart heavy and eyes moist.

"I told him, I will get him out. Let me go," Lu Feng shouted again. 

Lu Feng lost his rationality with the shock he just got. He didn't want to believe what was in front of his eyes; he lost his best friend and his brother.