One More Promise...

Hearing Jiang Yuyan, Lu Lijun tightened his grip around her as if he didn't want to let her go and if he did, she would disappear.

Just then the door of the room opened and Lu Feng entered inside. He looked panicked.

Lu Feng could not sleep, so he thought to go to the garden, but when he reached the staircase, he heard the sound from Lu Lijun's room and ran towards it just to see Lu Lijun was holding Jiang Yuyan tightly. 

Lu Feng understood there must be a problem as Lu Lijun never acted like this and stood there quietly. 

Jiang Yuyan saw Lu Feng standing at the door. As their sights met, Lu Feng signaled to ask if everything was fine and she nodded a little to assure him.

Understanding the reason behind Lu Lijun's action, Jiang Yuyan spoke, "I am not going anywhere, Lu Lijun. I would always be with you."