Visiting Lu Feng...

"Mr. Lu Feng?" San Zemin asked.

Jiang Yuyan nodded, but the butler countered, "Lu Feng will never listen to anyone so there is no use. He is the one who always punished himself for someone else's faults. After what his brother did in the company and the way his brother betrayed his most loved person, Lu Feng would never step in the Lu Corporation."

Hearing it, Jiang Yuyan looked at the butler and asked, "Seems like Ye Bai knows Lu Feng well."

"Not much but I have seen him going through the weak phase of life and I know what kind of person he is," the butler said.

"I agree with Ye Bai. I know Mr. Lu Feng won't agree to it," said San Zemin.

Jiang Yuyan passed her sight across both the men in front of her. "The more I hear you people and more I get to know about the things, I feel like there are so many things I am not aware of and I feel troubled with from where to start and what to ask you."