Criticizing The Mother...

Guys, we are just two ranks away from #5 so keep voting.. mass release on Sunday... 


"I am warning you, aunt Su Hui, for the last time. Stop it or I will do something for real," Lu Lijun warned as he was ready to do what he meant.

"Lu Lijun, please stop it. I beg you. Let her say what she wants," Jiang Yuyan pleaded as there was only one way to stop him.

Lu Lijun looked at Jiang Yuyan who couldn't stop her tears. 

Wiping her tears, Lu Lijun spoke, "Let me grow up and I will make sure no one would dare to make you cry."

He looked calm from his angry self. Jiang Yuyan's tears calmed him down and he could only see her. 

Jiang Yuyan nodded and didn't take his words seriously as it was just because he cared for her but little did she know that he meant it. Jiang Yuyan just wanted to take Lu Lijun away from there and didn't give thought about what Lu Lijun said. 

"Let's go, please." Jiang Yuyan requested.