Something Unbelievable...

If again we get votes more than 2k in a day, there would be a bonus chapter tomorrow...


Lu Lijun was lying on the bathroom's floor under the shower. He looked unconscious as the water from the shower continued to pour on him. Lu Feng rushed inside, turned off the shower, and kneeled down. holding Lu Lijun in his arms, Lu Feng patted his cheeks as he called his name.

"Lu Lijun!"

There was no response from him so Lu Feng lifted him up and took him out of the bathroom. Keeping him on the couch, Lu Feng grabbed dried towels and just then the butler entered the room. 

The moment Lu Feng asked for Lu Lijun's room's keys, the butler understood there was something to be worried about. Finishing his work faster, the butler followed Lu Feng.

Call the doctor, "Lu Feng instructed the butler and went to Lu Lijun to dry him up and remove his wet clothes.