The Tigress...

There was a technical problem with the site, so it took time to upload the chapter at it's regular time.


Lu Lijun continued looking at the scarf and then realized something. He checked his cellphone to see if there was any call or message for him but there was nothing. He checked the time and it was sure not the night in china. The time there was seven hours ahead so it was almost evening in China, then how come Yuyan didn't call him the entire day or didn't send him any message. 

He was angry at her but that anger didn't stop him from thinking about her and expecting to hear something from her. Giving out a deep sigh, he looked around the room as if he was searching for something and his sight fell on the windchime hanging at the way to the gallery. He dragged the chair in the room and standing on it, he tied that scarf to the crystal hanging with the chain in the center of the windchime.