What Did He Say...

Here is the bonus chapter.. #5 mass release of 10 chapters.. (Rank should be stable)


Lu Feng's words comforted Nixxxie and finally, those sad expressions on her face changed. 

"We didn't inform mother," said Nixxxie.

"I did a while ago," Lu Feng replied as he passed her a pair of chapsticks and signaled to start eating.

It worried her as she asked. "What did she said?"

"She was worried to see you were not home but I told her you are with me so she is fine with it as she is going out of the city for few days," Lu Feng replied that lessened the burden over Nixxxie. 

Hearing it, Nixxxie felt relieved and Lu Feng added, "I would be out for some time. Will you be fine on your own?"

"Hmm! Don't stop your things because of me. Anyways I would be moving to the hotel for a few days."

Lu Feng stopped eating as he looked at her, "Are you uncomfortable here?"

"It's not that….."