Warning Her...

Hey guys, last week was busy for me so there were less updates. This week there would be more. Rank is going down, so keep voting as the first volume has ended and it's time for adult Lu Lijun to show up. 

I am jumbling between my work and writing. As most of the readers read for free, I don't earn much and I need to focus on my work too because I need to pay my monthly bills. 

Keep voting so that we can be up in rank and it forces me to give mass release. If no money, only rank motivates me to write. If not that, I have to stop writing and focus on my main job only. 


Su Hui pulled her hand back as she said, "Today, let me talk, and I won't listen even if you threaten me by saying you won't show me your face. I don't care because I want you to go away from here."