Who Was The Girl...

Once Lu Lian left Ming Rusheng's office, someone came out of the lounge of the office that startled Ming Rusheng. 

"Good to see there is a woman in this world who can bash at you, and you listened to everything so quietly." 

Ming Rusheng didn't turn to look at the person as he recognized the voice and also, was busy looking at the picture in hands.

"I thought you left, uncle," he commented, not thinking about his uncle had heard the conversation between him and Lu Lian. 

"I was tired, so I thought to rest as you were busy in a meeting, and when I was about to come out, I heard the beautiful melody by a woman," Zhang Wei replied.

"You should stop traveling and exerting yourself, uncle." Saying, Ming Rusheng went to the couch carrying the crunched shopping bag. 

Zhang Wei sat on the couch and looked at the bag, "What's that?"

"Thing's I once left behind," Ming Rusheng answered. 

"Who was the girl?" Zhang Wei asked.