Airheaded Person...

Xiao Dong understood what the problem was and informed, "Elder Lu, fourth young master, just arrived there. You can see him soon."

"Make it faster, or I will ask my son to fire you all," elder Lu warned and hung up the call while Xiao Dong informed San Zemin what to do.

"Father is too cranky these days," Lu Chen said in a low voice, and Lu Jinhai agreed.

Soon they could see Lu Lijun enter the convocation venue with his friends, and all could do nothing but to stare at him except for Jiang Yuyan as she sat quietly. 

Jiang Yuyan was proud of Lu Lijun for doing his best and made it easy for what she had planned for him; her only dream to see him in Lu Qiang's place and be a good man and a successful businessman like his elder brother. 

"My grandson is handsome just like me," Elder Lu commented, and his two sons gave him a narrowed eyes look as they thought, 'Father will never change.'