In The Office...

2 chapters to read. Tonight is the reset so vote to get up in the rank. 

Top 5 - 10 chapters mass release with Yuyan and Lijun start of the story.

One more chapter is ready but it will be out only if the votes are more and the rank is up.


When Lu Lijun and Lu Feng entered the living room, Lu Feng tried not to go to others as he reeked alcohol, but who could stop others from calling him to them.

"Lu Feng, were you two out of the home?" Lu Chen asked.

Lu Feng bowed a little to greet everyone and cleared his throat, "We were at An Tian's place."

"Both brothers are together after long. Let them be. Don't question them as they are not kids now," Grandma Zhao Shuang instructed. 

"Apology, mother," Lu Chen spoke.

Grandma Zhao Shuang was just happy with the fact that her grandkids were finally home, and it was more than enough.