Such An Iceberg...

Everyone went inside the mansion once they finished greeting each other. 

The ones who just arrived went to their rooms to freshen up. 

Jiang Yuyan excused herself, and Lu Lijun too felt like going to his room as he was tired from working for the entire day. Just as he walked towards the staircase, he saw Jiang Yuyna going upstairs too. 

He didn't mean to follow her, so he climbed the stairs slowly, keeping the distance between them. Every step she took, he would try to observe her.


Jiang Yuyan was silent the entire day while working or even during short breaks. Lu Lijun continued walking behind her at a distance, but she didn't turn to look at him for even once as if she was immersed in her thoughts.

They reached the second floor. Lu Lijun stopped at the staircase and continued looking at her, walking towards her room. Once she closed the door, he stepped ahead, but his sight never stopped looking at the door of her room.