Both Are Idiots...

Lu Lijun looked back at Jake as if saying, handle your guy first. 

Jake could only frown and warned Noah as Noah was at fault, "No messing around when you are working out."

"Yeah, your highness," Noah continued running, ignoring how serious Jake was. 

The other three said nothing, but they knew what was going on and again preferred to ignore them.

After running, the six went to the other activities areas where various gyming machines were kept. They occupied the different strengthening machines. Lu Feng, Lu Lijun, and Jake sat in one row while others sat facing them, to use the different machines according to their comfort. 

Like this, they could talk and workout too. Suddenly, at the same moment, Lu Feng, Lu Lijun, and Jake pulled out their T-shirts as they were sweaty, and the clothes were a hindrance in pulling down the weights belt behind the head and shoulders.