Good Bye...

Jake glared at him, but Noah turned and left to go to his room. 

An Tian sighed, "Jake…."

"If I don't go back, things will turn worse," Jake interrupted his brother. 

Just then, Noah came out of his room and looked like he was again going out.

"Are you going somewhere, Noah?" An Tian asked. 

"Hmm, to do more disgusting things," Noah replied and stepped out of the home. 

The atmosphere looked tense. Before An Tian could say anything, Jake went upstairs and stood up in the gallery and witnessed Noah sitting in one car and left.

Jake leaned forward as his elbows rested on the railing of the gallery, and his fingers ran through his hair. He looked frustrated and didn't know what to do. He wished everything to set right, but there was no way to be correct and might break his friendship with his friend. 

He wished to tell him everything that he felt and what he hid from him for so long, but things always went in another way.