Ready To Take The Charge...

Lu Mansion…

Lu Lijun woke up early in the morning. He couldn't sleep properly, thinking if Jiang Yuyan was back and paid attention if he could hear any movement on the second floor so that he could be sure she was back. 

He had no idea if she was in her room or not but thought to check. Just then, he heard the sound of the door open and close, and he was sure it came from her room. He got out of bed to go to her and to know if she was fine. 

He waited for a bit, thinking about what excuse he could give her if she asked why he was there. Getting an idea, he stepped out of his room and went to her room. 

Lu Lijun knocked on the door, and the door opened, but that was not Jiang Yuyan.

"Fourth young master," the servant bowed to him, "Young mistress is not in her room," she replied.

"Where is she?" Lu Lijun asked.