Shocking Surprise...

After the meeting, Lu Lijun, Lu Jinhai, and Yu Fan left to go back to the Lu Corporations office. On the way back, Lu Lijun was calm, but inside he counted every passing second that seemed like an eternity. 

Soon they reached Lu Corporation, and Lu Lijun thought to go to the president's office, but Yu Fan informed that someone was waiting for Lu Jinhai and Lu Lijun in the Chairman's office. 

"Father, if there is nothing important, I would like to leave," said Lu Lijun before his father could ask him to join. 

"Mr. Wen wished to meet the fourth young master too," Yu Fan informed, "He is an important person for Lu Corporation."

"It has nothing to do with me," Lu Lijun countered coldly, but Yu Fan remained affected as she was used to it.

"He is also my friend, so meet him for my sake," Lu Jinhai insisted.