Finally, left...

"Don't go," said Jiang Yuyan. 

Coming out of the sweet little shock, Lu Lijun looked at her as if he heard it wrong and gave her a questioning look. 

"Stay here with the family," she answered his unspoken question. 

Lu Lijun stopped getting into the bed and stood facing her as he tucked his hands in his pajama's pockets.

"Family, huh?" he asked sarcastically. 

Jiang Yuyan nodded and looked at him, "After sending you away, no one was happy. They all missed you."

"They?" he spoke as if he was not happy with what she said and wished to hear something else from her. 

He wished to hear that she missed him, but her words didn't convey the same thing. She was there to plead to him for the sake of the family.

He stared into her emotionless eyes as if his sight silently asked her, "Haven't you missed me? Don't you want me to stay? Can't you say you missed me and want me to stay here with you? Am I nobody to you?'