Return Gift...

Lu Lijun stepped towards the man, and without any word or warning, he punched the man on the face on the left cheekbone where Jiang Yuyan had bruises on her face. 

The man whined in pain, but more than that, he was shocked as he didn't expect Lu Lijun to attack him directly. 

Xiao Min, San Zemin, and Ye Bai were surprised too. Before Xiao Min and San Zemin could step forward to stop Lu Lijun, Ye bai put hands on both of their shoulders to stop them.

Before the man could recover from his pain, Lu Lijun held his left hand and twisted it brutally as everyone heard the sound of bone cracking. It was a swift move, and one could see Lu Lijun has learned it. 

Before the man could even scream in pain, Lu Lijun turned and kicked on the backside of his left Leg's knee to make him kneel as Lu Lijun held his robe's collar at the back of the neck. He then kicked at the backside of his right ankle, making his feet twist. 

