Find A Guy For Her...

Disappointed to see the ranking so low. Keep voting as we are out of the top 10 now.


Hearing what Xiao Min said and how emotional he looked, Shen Li spoke, "Xiao Min, listen to me first."

"This time, you listen to me," Xiao Min raised his voice, and Shen Li stood still to hear him. 

"You never loved me, senior. It was I who mistook it. I know my father asked you to do it but did you ever consider me and what I want? Did you ever think about how much I suffered all the time when you turned your back on me? You could have told me everything, and we would have found the way, but you wanted to be a great person who believes in sacrifice without even thinking about what the other person wants or feel. If you have ever loved me, you wouldn't have given up on me ever. The one who loves you would never leave your side whatever it takes, but you proved me delusional. You proved me wrong."