His Worry...

Just as Ming Rusheng stepped out of his office, his sight followed Lu Lian's office. He couldn't stop himself from going there and seeing what she was doing. 

He knocked on the door and entered her office, where Lu Lian's assistant was arranging some files. 

The assistant bowed to him, and before Ming Rusheng could ask, the assistant replied, "Ms. Lu is in the workshop."

Nodding lightly, Ming Rusheng stepped towards one door in the office.

He knocked on the door and heard the voice, "Come in."

The door opened into the personal workshop for Lu Lian, attached to her office, where she could work on the blueprints. 

Ming Rusheng entered the workshop and saw a busy lady in stylish casual office wear, a full black neck long-sleeved top, and red trouser. 

The room was mildly dark, and only the light where she sat was on, which lit up the glass of the work table where she was drawing with a ruler and pencil with focus.