Meeting The Person...

Lu Lian straightway went to meet the person she was waiting for so long. The home of Mr. Jia Wong was out of the city and in a calm place surrounded by nature.

Lu Lian set the GPS and drove away alone out of the city. After the journey of almost one and a half hours, she reached one place and stopped the car in front of the beautiful and large wooden gate. 

The beautiful carved design on the gate was proof that she reached the right place.

Parking the car outside, she went towards the gate where a security guard came running to her and greeted her by bowing a little.

Before Lu Lian could say anything, he spoke, "Welcome."

She nodded and followed the guard as she thought, 'Asking who I am and why I am here, isn't a normal thing to ask? How did he recognize me and know I'm the one who had an appointment today with Mr. Wong.'