Angry Over Small Thing...

Jiang Yuyan went to her car, and Lu Lijun went towards his car. Sitting inside the car, Lu Lijun was about to turn his car to leave but then noticed Jiang Yuyan's car was still there, and the driver got out of the car, looking troubled with something. 

Lu Lijun waited to see what happened. The driver opened the car's bonnet to check something, and Lu Lijun understood there was an issue with the vehicle. 

Stepping out of the car, Lu Lijun went to them, "What happened?"

The driver bowed to Lu Lijun, "I think there is some issue with the engine."

Jiang Yuyan stepped out of the car too, "Get the mechanic fast."

"Boss, it will take some time as we are on the village side," the driver informed apologetically. 

"Don't you check the car often? How can you be so irresponsible with it?" Lijun raised his voice on the driver as it pissed him off. 

The driver bowed again, apologetically, "Apology, fourth young master."