It's All In The Past...

Seeing his friend wouldn't like what they were talking about, Noah apologized. "My bad." 

Noah could see the possessive side of his friend that came out rarely and only when someone mentioned that certain someone.

Jiang Yang looked at Lu Lijun. "Don't worry; I wouldn't have told them." 

Jiang Yang looked serious as if something was in his mind, but then the next moment, that seriousness changed as he laughed it out, "I don't want my sister to kill me."

Lu Lijun noticed it but couldn't understand what it was.

The two friends were curious to know more about Jiang Yuyan as they wished to know why his friend was like that and what happened between him and Jiang Yuyan. 

"We want to know more about them," Noah said, and Jake nodded. 

"That's enough," Lu Lijun interrupted, and the two friends stayed silent. But someone was there who wished to talk.