Does She Hate My Company?

Wen Zac welcomed Ming Rusheng and Lu Lian. It was the first time when Lu Lian attended such a corporate party. 

Being away from her home country, not so many people knew about Lu Lian, except for those who knew the Lu Family for long. Even if others saw her, they remember only the young Lu Lian from her school days.

When the two entered the party hall, Lu Lijun noticed his sister and then the man with her. Before he could even show the displeased expression on his face, someone spoke.

"Sister Lian and Mr. Ming look good together," Noah spoke.

"She is my sister. Anyone would look good with her," came the reply from a cold guy who was already pissed with few other things. 

"I know you are a narcissist," Noah countered, and Lu Lijun didn't deny it.

Ming Rusheng greeted Lu Jinhai and others present there, and Lu Lian did the same. 

"Lu Lian, good to see you here," Mr. Wen spoke.