Answer To My Questions...

Seeing Lu Lijun pinching his nose bridge and mumbling something, Noah asked, "Did you say something?"

Lu Lijun shook his head. 

"I'll make something to eat. Get fresh and come out," Noah instructed and stepped out of bed. He stopped near the door, "You can use his highness's clothes. If not, go to my room."

Lu Lijun nodded, and Noah left. Lu Lijun looked at Jake, who still looked cold. 

"You should control your guy instead of glaring at me as if I'm stealing your girlfriend," Lu Lijun commented.

Jake frowned, "Need to break his legs and lock him up." 

"That would be better," Lu Lijun replied.

Jake went to the wardrobe as he opened it, "Clothes are here. Get whatever you want."

Nodding, Lu Lijun went to freshen up, and Jake went to the kitchen where Noah was busy preparing the breakfast. 

Jake stood there looking at the busy guy, and Noah noticed him.