He Is Not That Easy...

When An Tian and Jiang Yang were busy obsessing over what Noah was up to, Lu Feng went to San Zemin's man who always followed Lu Lijun. 

Lu Feng was aware of all the people around Lu Lijun, so it was not difficult for him to find one. 

The tall, muscular man in casual clothes, wearing a T-shirt and black leather jacket over it, bowed to Lu Feng.

"I need you to do something," said Lu Feng.

The man nodded, knowing who Lu Feng was, and he was one of the trusted men of their boss and lady boss. 

"I want to see what's going on in the room where Lu Lijun and his friends went to," Lu Feng explained, and the man nodded again. 

Leaving it to the man, Lu Feng returned to his friends. Those were San Zemin's skilled men who were ready for all kinds of situations and carried some gadgets with them always. 

The man used one attendant to get the secret camera in Lu Lijun's room, and another man brought a tablet to Lu Feng.