Did I Ever Ask For It?

It startled Jiang Yuyan, and she looked at Lu Lian. 

Smiling lightly, Lu Lian went to Jiang Yuyan, "Seems like our little guy still can't stop upsetting you."

Jiang Yuyan didn't react to it, but Lu Lian was sure what Lu Lijun said had affected her though she would never like to show it. 

Lu Lian sat on the couch beside Jiang Yuyan and continued, "Don't mind him. He's yet to adjust to things."

Jiang Yuyan didn't respond to it but asked something else, "Are you sure you are leaving Ming Industries?"

"Yes," Lu Lian replied firmly. 

Jiang Yuyan looked at her, "I wanted to ask you something."

It somewhere scared Lu Lian, but she said, "What is it?"

"Do you like my cousin Ming Rusheng?" Jiang Yuyan asked. 

"What?" Lu Lian exclaimed. 

"No need to panic. It's just a simple question," Jiang Yuyan added. 

Lu Lian calmed down and replied, "I don't like him in that way."