Do You Want Me To Disappear?

Note- While reading this chapter, be careful with your hate comments and use decent words. Don't go taking out all your real-life frustration over Lu Lijun and Yuyan. I will just take it as you guys can't understand their character and situation. Be wise with your words and stop spreading negativity that makes me ignore all the comments.


When the office hours were about to finish, Jiang Yuyan instructed Xiao Min again.

"Take this file to Lu Lijun and ask him to finish it today. We need it for tomorrow morning's meeting. He can't leave the office until he finishes it."

Xiao Min nodded. All he did till now was to send files to Lu Lijun, and he was worried if Jiang Yuyan wanted to keep him busy and tire him to his bone.

Lu Lijun had plans for the evening but didn't know President Lu was up to ruin his plans. 

Xiao Min entered Lu Lijun's office, where he talked to Noah, "We can finish it even before a week."